Thursday 17 December 2015

Neil Fleming, Take Note

You can now expect the matter of your and your family's conspiracy to murder me, including your brother-in-law's physical attempt to do so, to be reopened, along with your long history of racial abuse against me.

You are no longer on the staff of a Cabinet Minister, or even of a governing party.

As for that Tory Boy intern in the Labour Party's Compliance Office, Ben Something Or Other, he is lucky that I did not get his surname.

Can it not find any adults to work for it? Or even any well-mannered children?

Three months since Jeremy became Leader, and all the Tories are still on the staff, systematically damaging the party morning, noon and night.


  1. He ruined your life, didn't he?

    1. You and Neil Fleming ruined each other's lives. He can never be an MP because of you and you can never be a party member, so anything local that went with it, because of him.

    2. I am not aware that he is crippled, and in constant pain despite being drugged up to his eyeballs. That is my life, the only life that I am ever now going to have.

      He never displayed the slightest political interest at school, and even after he had come back he was a joke until Hilary Armstrong gave him that unadvertised job.

      But from then on, the whole Branch revolved around him. He had to be given everything. I still don't understand why. It certainly wasn't as if she had ever done anything for us.

      I had been the Sub-Agent who had secured her an overall majority of the total vote on a four-way split in that traditionally Tory Ward. But such interest in politics made me a pariah.

      Looking back, the whole thing was incredible. The Branch meetings used to be held in a room with a nude calendar on the wall, and with pints of beer on the desks. I am talking about well into the present century. No doubt, it is still like that.

  2. He is three years older than Jim McMahon but never been elected above parish level never mind entered Parliament after several years as leader of a metropolitan borough council with an OBE to prove it. So you are obviously not the only person who realises he is a cunt.

    1. Merely sleeping with him is demonstrably enough to make anyone unelectable.

    2. There is rumours that you slept with him and that's why you're so obsessed by Neil and other young men?

    3. I'd love to see the look on his face if there really were any such rumour.

  3. Even the university contingent are the likes of Neil Fleming, not your people at all, as you have said all about pop music and football. Football, why is it always football?

  4. You should have got out of the North East after university. You'll never belong here, too clever, too ambitious, too sensitive, no mining background.
