Wednesday 18 November 2015

Votes At 16?

What difference would it make to anything?

Would 16-year-olds vote any differently from 18-year-olds, or 21-year-olds, or 25-year-olds, with the same class, regional, ethnic and family backgrounds? I doubt that very, very much.

I am not a supporter of votes at 16. But Tory Boys are never accused of being callow, even though they want to dismantle more or less everything about this country due to their once having read one book, or due to their being cultishly devoted to the effusions of one or two newspaper columnists.

Nor, a few years later, does anyone ever demand of their plummy-voiced, double-chinned faces at conferences why they are not at work.

There is something very creepy about this desire to treat mid-adolescents as the adults that they are not. Something very creepy, indeed.

I am not just talking about sex, or anything like that. That largely happens already, more is the pity. I am talking about all kinds of things.

For example, the waging of war, and the erosion of civil liberties by snoopers' charters, or by shoot-to-kill policies, or by any number of other things besides.


  1. Not even 200 words, and you say it all. You are the best of the best.
