Thursday 29 May 2014

Bours Together

Louise van de Bours MEP (she uses an Anglicised version in order to get on in UKIP) has come on very quickly indeed.
She is on Question Time within one week of her election.
Alongside Joey Barton, no less.
But I do not understand the widespread objection to Piers Morgan in this capacity.

As Editor of the Daily Mirror, he was one of very few senior journalists to see through the case for the Iraq War from the start, and to say so in no uncertain terms.


  1. Piers should have been deported from America for condemning that greatest and most vital of civil liberties-the right to bear arms.

    Mind you , they got that from Piers Morgan's own home country.

    We once exported freedom around the world- now we export Piers Morgan.

  2. I rather expect that that will come up this week.

  3. The right to bear arms is the greatest and most vital of civil liberties? Oh dear.
