Friday 20 April 2012

Heirs To Blair

If David Aaronovitch, Dan Hodges, John Rentoul, Oliver Kamm, Luke Akehurst and the rest were ever to do the decent thing and set up on their own, then what would such a Blairite party stand for?

Flogging off the National Health Service piece by piece to American health companies in which the Secretary of State had gigantic pecuniary interests. Nationalising the schools and then handing over the running of them to media dinner party ornaments and the wives of rich husbands, in both cases rank amateurs with the right connections and too much time on their hands. Giving the Home Office the legal power to snoop on our every communication.

Flogging off of our Post Office to private companies, including foreign states as such. Transforming Her Majesty's highways into toll roads for the sovereign wealth funds of oil-rich countries either permanently on the brink of Islamist coups or, in the case of Libya, with an Islamist government violently installed by ourselves. Removing the few remaining protections against being compelled to work a seven-day week.

Abolishing the tax breaks for charitable giving, while drastically reducing the activities eligible for charitable status, in line with Political Correctness. Outlawing all forms of religion that will not perform same-sex "marriages". Bankrupting the Church of England by levying VAT on listed building repairs. Giving one of the highest offices in the land to a cocaine addict who frequents sadomasochistic prostitutes. Having the Prime Minister describe illegal drug use as part of "a normal university experience" while unable to name the capitals or languages of major foreign countries.

Invading countries to which, only weeks before, we had been sending terror suspects to be tortured, and then installing those suspects as the new governments. Sacking by email or text message the personnel fighting those wars, as part of the never-ending slashing of our defence capability, even down to having no aircraft carriers, while retaining morally repugnant and defensively useless nuclear weapons owned by a foreign power but hosted by us at our own expense.

Using the office of the Secretary of State for Defence as the base for an off-the-books foreign policy in the interests of the American neoconservative think tanks (not in office in their own country) and the racist Israeli Far Right, complete with a Special Advisor who was an obvious American intelligence officer and not even a British citizen. Retaining that Secretary of State as an MP in good standing and as a Privy Councillor even if his activities were exposed, his fake charity were deregistered, and what have you. Giving Argentina a share of Falklands oil revenue in return for absolutely nothing.

Fawning over Rupert Murdoch, his relatives and their courtiers. Using the party's office and paid staff to run the main rival's campaign for Mayor of London. Moving to a system of state funding of political parties, so that only parties that already enjoyed media approval could be permitted to exist at all.

All vintage Tony Blair. Aren't you glad that our country has moved on?

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