Saturday 27 June 2009

Farah Fawcett, The C S Lewis Of Our Age

Lewis's death was hardly reported, since it coincided with that of John F Kennedy.

Fawcett's death is hardly being reported, since it has coincided with that of Michael Jackson.

Further comment would be superfluous.


  1. Well CS Lewis, Belfast born, like Geraldine Smith and myself was for all his talent not as historical a figure as JFK.
    Michael Jackson was a cutural icon of greater proportion than Farrah Fawcett.
    The 24 news channels have given much too great a prominence to the Jackson death...that is the case for 24 hour news...they want news to happen to justify their existence.
    An entire edition of Newsnight was sheer bizarre
    The adoption of CS Lewis as an icon of East Belfast is of course the statue of the Man And the wardrobe outside the library at Holywood Arches in the heart of loyalist part of the city.....ironically for an Irish nationalist like Lewis.

  2. I just think it says a lot that once the Big Death was Kennedy and the Little Death was Lewis. But now the Big Death is Jackson and the little death is Fawcett.

  3. Well on a scale of 1 2 3 4
    it would be
    1 JFK
    2 Lewis
    3 Jackson
    4 Fawcett

    Jackson (and for me there was no real music after 1968) was an icon of sorts for a rotten generation.
    But undeserving of serious news reportage on this scale.

  4. CS Lewis? Ugh. There was that AWFUL children's book he wrote. Plot: this kid skips school to eat a large amount of "Turkish Delight" and then I think he gets eaten by a lion. It was very moralistic. Whereas JFK gave the world the Peace Corps. Which is probably why the world paid more attention to President Kennedy, don't you guess?

  5. The world paid more attention because JFK was the President of the United States.

    But that wasn't my point.

  6. Your point was that Farrah Fawcett was a CS Lewis for our time.

    But she was way better than that! Her hair continues to inspire millions. Unlike CS Lewis and his lion stories, which have caused depression in children.

  7. Sooner him than Philip Pullman.
