Saturday 27 September 2008


If you do not want Sharia Law here, then you must oppose usury. Either or both of staying Catholic and reading the Bible would have created a situation in which, among much other avoided misery, nobody would have felt the need to look to Sharia for moral, humane alternatives to the existing financial system.

The Western answer to Islam is not capitalism and the secularism from which it is as inseparable as Marxism is, however much many capitalists or some Marxists might wish it otherwise. The Western answer to Islam is Christianity, the age-old enemy of usury.


  1. Islam is oppposed to usury, too, isn't it?

    Pity more so-called Christians don't take heed of the words and deeds of Christ... At the same time as the shadow home secretary is saying we should be proud of our christian heritage, David Cameron refuses to condemn speculators and greed in the City like Anglican leaders Archbishops Williams and Sentamu.

  2. Islam is indeed againt usury. But it is also in favour of polygamy, shrouded women, limb amputations, and so forth.

  3. Islam... would that be Wahabi, Sunni, Shia, Sufi or what?

  4. Any and all of them.

    Whether you can be a proper Sunni or a proper Shi'ite while being a Sufi is a moot point among Sunnis and Shi'ites respectively. But Sufis themselves are in no doubt: you have to be either a Sunni or a Sh'ite to belong to a given Sufi tradition - sometimes either, sometimes one or the other.

    Those seeking to create a Caliphate where Russia currently is in the North Caucasus are Sufi Muslims, and they murder a great many public officials and ethnic Russians.

    The fantasy of Sufi placidity bordering on pacifism, wholly incompatible with anything like Wahhabism or Deobandism, is not true in the Caucasus (Ingushetia, neighbouring and closely connected Chechnya, and elsewhere), not true in the Balkans (where they rallied to the likes of Izetbegovic and the Kosovo "Liberation" Army), not true in Libya (where at least one third of the population adheres to the Sanusi synthesis of Wahhabism and popular Sufism), spectacularly not true in the Indian subcontinent and its diaspora, not true all round.
