Friday 11 July 2008

The Union of the Mediterranean

And to think that there were those who said that talk of Eurabia was just scaremongering. The neocon hero Sarkozy is driving through the admission to NATO and the EU, in all but name, not just of Turkey, but of every country in the Middle East and North Africa.

But aren't those around the Mediterranean often very Westernised? Libya, for example? Well, yes, Gaddafi or no Gaddafi, it is true that there remains a very strong Italian influence in at least urban or elite Libyan culture. But at least one third of the population nevertheless adheres to the Sanusi synthesis of Wahhabism and popular Sufism. Similar things could be said about every other such "almost Western" country in the region.

As in 1980s Afghanistan, 1990s Bosnia, and today's Turkey, Kosovo, Pakistan, Kashmir (wait for the Kosovo-inspired UDI there - the jungle drums are beating), Chechnya, Iraq, and putatively Syria; and as by means of the limitless immigration necessitated by the "free" market; so also by this means, the neocons continue their relentless pursuit for themselves of the privileged dhimmitude of Moorish Spain.

And to hell with the rest of us.

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