Wednesday 21 March 2007

The Madness of Princess Tony

I'm not going to bother with the Budget and its "surprise", although I'd be interested, out of sheer bemused curiosity, to hear from anyone at all who didn't know about it in advance. No, PMQs was much more interesting: we now know that poor old Blair really has gone completely doo-lally.

Sir Menzies Campbell asked about the falling incomes of the poor over the last 10 years, and Blair simply denied that this had happened. Campbell then tried him on the fact that the poor pay a much higher percentage of their incomes in tax than do the rich. But, again, Blair simply contradicted reality. Just as well that there was no question about Iraq, or Blair would have denied that the war was taking place; he long ago started denying that it had ever had anything to do with WMDs.

It is now time to start calling Blair "Cleopatra", the Queen of Denial.

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